Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Hadi ElTonsi
Personal information:
Dr. Mohamed Hadi Eltonsi
Born 12/9/1951
Married, living in Austria and Egypt
MB,BCh. Faculty of medicine, Cairo University 1975.
Official Website:
In addition to diplomatic courses at the French High Institute for Public Administration and The German Institute for International Development, I Attended several medical psychological and parapsychological courses and practices of Psychiatry and spirituality that made me group psychotherapist, non-verbal interpersonal hypnotist, conversational hypnotist, life coach, Reiki master and expert in mantra Yoga , Prana Healing, Silva Mind Control, Quantum Touch, Family Constellation,psychic powers training as telepathy, energy transfer and all helped in implanting into subconscious thru hypnosis, imagination, impersonating , energy transfer and telepathy
Medical career:
During medical college study I got voluntary training for 18 months on group psychotherapy. After graduation and internship year I worked as a medical reserve officer for 15 months then joined the diplomatic service during which I had the above medical, psychological and parapsychological courses and was trained for 2 years by a private psychiatrist to continuously shift my emotional attention outside the psyche to always feel at ease as a troubleshooter with abundant flexible energy ready to face situations without tensions, conflicts nor inner negativities. Same as I enable my clients to be thru my single three hours session of patented Immediate Healing for Personality Development since 2016 and published in a research article in The British EC Psychology and Psychiatry on November 1st, 2018.
Then same journal published another research article on “ Instant Remote Leadership Mindset Development”. Both after double blinded peer reviews and preceded by intellectual property in Egypt. In 2021 he was elected Chief of the Council of Medicine and Welfare of the Earth Loving Friendly Organisation ELFO to spread his science worldwide by training the talented to work on managers to improve work climate and production quantity and quality wise, hence develop communities and countries while getting better individual general health. Among members of said Organisation are 600 representatives of leaders, diplomats and specialists from all countries .
Current practice:
Since 1997 whilst working as a diplomat abroad I started transferring required states of mind to around 500 volunteers by nonverbal interpersonal hypnosis, impersonation , energy transfer and telepathy, then since 2015 I started making a session of logo, cognitive, behavioral psychotherapy prior to the hypnotic session on 200 cases with 80% success to ensure harmony between the conscious and unconscious minds and permanent stable result with a base that client is aware of and agreeing on. Actually practicing the Immediate Healing for Personality Development in several clinics and holistic centers in Cairo apart from seminars, government TV, Radio and press coverage in Arabic and English. My Keynote speaker presentation was praised in recognition certificates as phenomenal and worthy in 7 international conferences and congresses since June 2018 in Vienna, Paris, Athens, Copenhagen and Dubai. In some of these I was also OCM and poster presenter. Kindly revise my professional Facebook Page” A new start for your body, mind and soul”
And my LinkedIn profile–eltonsi-28096b29
A research article on Immediate Healing for Personality Development published in the British EC Psychology and Psychiatry on November 1st, 2018
The certificates of publications is listed in the last section of this page “Achievements & Certificates”
A research article on“ Instant Remote Leadership Mindset Development” published in the British EC Psychology and Psychiatry on August 1st. 2022
The certificates of publications is listed in the last section of this page “Achievements & Certificates”
Chapter 4 titled” immediate healing for personality development, an approach to yoga concept and spiritual effect” which also includes immediate personality development from distance chosen by
The international publishing house BP International specialized in discoveries as one of the best discoveries worldwide in 2021, included in its reference “Highlights on Medicine and Medical Science, vol 1.
Several motivational articles and on analysis of characters of some world leaders and public figures in English language Egyptian news portal.
A research in Arabic on Immediate Healing for Personality Development for which I got patent in Egypt on 2016 as a Healing that also works for treatment of neurotic , psychosomatic diseases and disorders besides obesity and smoking addiction.
Motivational 2 books in Arabic whose articles were published also in Egyptian press and English Translation of the first in Amazon” How to have insight and harmony” and articles published in New Era Namibian Newspaper in a column called” Egyptian Morality and Wisdom” Photos enclosed.
Treatment procedure:
After joint analysis with Client and definition of psychological and physical goals of treatment, I as a trained behavioral, cognitive and logo psychotherapist arrive with client to a new corrected understanding of the case and roots of conflicts in childhood, taking around 2 hours, then in less than an hour perform non verbal interpersonal hypnosis with transfer of energy and telepathy to client till deep sleep when I implants the required personality , ideas, emotions, motives and attitudes into the unconscious embodying the required state.
The unconscious and conscious mind will have same agreed upon analysis and targets for immediate results in that session of 3 hours
When clients awakens he is asked to confirm achieving treatment goals in principle and again after at least 24 hours from treatment to ensure his content after real life tests. Further follow up according to client need is available at his request whenever possible.
In case of instant remote leadership personality development or healing, the dialogue part is done by free video call applications and the telepathic part is done during the recipient’s normal sleeping hours with same later follow up.
Media activities:
Films : American 14 minute documentary called Psychic Psychiatrist that formed part of a longer documentary called “Psychics among us” shown in Athens, Ohio,and Thanksgivings International Festivals.
An American film inspired by my skills called the Messenger in which Dr. Eltonsi played main role. It won best international award in Gala Venice film festival 2017 and was shown in 51 international film festivals.
Interviews TV, Radio, press and Seminars
They are many since 2016 after getting patent for this immediate Healing . As an example, only during my stay in Egypt from November 2017 till End of March 2022 I had 22 interviews in private Governmental TV , 6in Radio , and 22 seminars including at the most prestigious Public library, cultural and diplomatic fora and else.
Most of these naturally are in Arabic and can be found in my Facebook professional page, but will add links in English as follows:
My interview on Nile TV International about using my invented immediate one session personality development method to improve leadership skills and personality of business and government leaders to increase productivity and capacity for team work while feeling tension free, happy and in harmony enjoying peace of mind as suggested and agreed in principle during the interview program. psychiatric-work-has-been-recognized-globally/
Another testimony to the importance and validity of this discovery is a 11 Minute documentary done recently with subtitles called Happiness Doctor whose link is here mentioned.
Short article to explain
After the 22 seminars I had 5 webinars on instant remote personality development including recorded vocal testimonies”–eltonsi-to-take-over-the-helm-at-elfo-sada-e/
Inaugural greeting: Ex. Ambassador Dr.Hadi Eltonsi, as Chief of Welfare and Medicine Council of ELFO
International publication of immediate healing for personality development from a distance for leadership mindset formation
Inaugural greeting: Ex. Ambassador Dr.Hadi Eltonsi, as Chief of Welfare and Medicine Council of ELFO
International publication of immediate healing for personality development from a distance for leadership mindset formation
Diplomatic Career:
After joining the Egyptian Ministry of Foeign Affairs 1978 I had one year training at the Egyptian Diplomatic Institute then worked as a diplomat at the Egyptian Embassies in Lisbon, Bolivia , Panama city, Moscow and Guatemala city. Then became an Ambassador to Guatemala and Honduras 2001-1005 where he was decorated with the highest order of El Quetzal, and to Namibia 2006 to 2010.
At the Ministry I worked at geographical departments of North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asian countries, Alternate Delegate of Egypt to the League of Arab States, Deputy Assistant of Protocol, and Director of International Conferences Department. Retired in 2011
Cairo +201100588787
Vienna +4369911134329
Achievements & Certificates
تواصل معنا لتغيير حياتك
مرحبا، ارجو المكالمة لدقائق للتوضيح و الاتفاق من خلال تطبيقات ماسينجر او ايمو او تليجرام او بوتيم او زوم او جوجل ميت او فيس تايم
لان الواتساب لا يتلقي مكالمات بمصر
في حال عدم الرد على الرقم الأول يرجى التواصل على الرقم الثاني